Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A little thing Utahns like to call the 24th of July

Allie had fun throwing poppers at daddy
Milan was cracking me up holding the Solar light like she was the statue of liberty! What a cute girl!
Allie and her spakler and Nat too.
The BYU Cat
Luke the Cougar

Or Pioneer day, personally I think it is just and excuse to light more fireworks and eat more good food! Which is what we did, Melissa made FABULOUS Chicken on the grill, and Amy made and awesome salad, And Scott brought the diet Coke! Perfect, throw a little cottage cheese in there and it was a wonderful dinner! Then we went to the mall and walked around for fun, and then went back to Lissa's to light some sparklers and pop some poppers. Which all the kids and adults loved... Nathaniel got Adam really good with poppers even though I tried to warn him! Thanks Melissa for the yummy's and the fun!

1 comment:

Beckey said...

I love the cheerleader outfit! We didn't do anything for the 24th, I hardly even realized it was a holiday :( that is terrible! BUT! The 24th was the 1 year anniversary from when we left Utah for Nova Scotia, so I did remember that yesterday! 1 year down...3 to go!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley