Friday, October 2, 2009

12 wks till Christmas!

Don't laugh, it is totally true!

Ok I will confess that I am SO on the ball usually and about half of my Christmas shopping is done by now, and if no I at least Know Exactly what I am going to be getting everyone...
Last year was even worse than normal since Phoebe was due Christmas Eve, I was all done by mid November, and I mean wrapped stored labeled All of it!

This year.....
I haven't even thought about it!

I have NO idea what I am going to get the kids, I haven't made a plan, OK I am lying a little, I made a plan for my inlaw siblings, I am printing them photos of my inlaw parents who are going to shortly be going on a mission for our church. And I did buy Allie and Phoebe matching Christmas PJ's back in the spring for about 5 dollars from the Carter's outlet...But that is it!

What is a organizational Freak to do? Well I guess 3 kids has pushed me over the edge, or maybe it was moving, or maybe it was the job? I don't know but whatever it was, I am letting go...I REALLY want to make stuff, but I just know right now I can't do it! So I am ok...BUT I want to share this awesome article I love it. And I am going to try to use it to the best extent I can!

Over at Simple Mom
She give you fabulous idea and resources to get you all ready for Christmas...
I love it Peaceful Christmas, Sounds Fabulous~
here is a snippet of her outline....

12 Weeks to a Peaceful Christmas

  • 12: Solidify the Christmas budget
  • 11: Organize your mailing addresses for Christmas cards, and explore alternative ideas
  • 10: Start (or finish!) gift shopping
  • 9: Research ways to donate gifts or time as a family
  • 8: Inventory your holiday decor and list the items to look for on sale
  • 7: Finalize the holiday calendar and schedule dates and events
  • 6: Prepare a a new family tradition, such as a Jesse Tree
  • 5: Design, buy, or order your Christmas cards and stamps, and address envelopes
  • 4: Decorate for Christmas
  • 3: Make meal plans; batch cook and freeze meals for the next few weeks
  • 2: Make and freeze cookie dough, and prepare any food gifts
  • 1: Clean the home, prepare for guests, or prepare to be a guest
Oh how I love easy instructions like this! Brilliant! Go read it, get prepared, I wish you all a happy Fall and a Peaceful holiday stretch! Especially Christmas!
Now where will we put the Tree in the new house????

1 comment:

The Conductor said...

As one who is far, far, FAR from being so organized and on-the-ball when it comes to things like this, let me just tell you that YOU'LL BE FINE. Things will get done. It will all work out. (But of course there may be a little more craziness involved in actually getting those things done than in years past, it sounds like!) All I can say is, I am amazed by people like you. How do you do it?! (Or how do you even attempt to do it?) Go you!! And thanks for the great countdown list!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley