Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy my birthday!

It was a lovely day, a few friends came over and brought me lunch and a Wegmans creme pie. Then a different friend offered to watch our kids, and so Adam took me out to dinner at our favorite Mexican place which was So yummy as always! And we went and got Phoebe a Tootsie Roll costume for Halloween, (Allie decided that is what P. needs to be) Then Carters was having a great sale so I ran over there and got Luke a pair of PJ's for Christmas, I had already gotten the girls matching ones in the spring. Adam got me a new Yankee candle in Cinnamon stick, and a new set of nice flannel sheets! I am so excited for those, I love snuggly sheets!
My mom got me some LLBean Slippers, which with our hardwood floors are sooooo nice and warm! (wearing them now) My in laws got me a Lion House Cookbook... which is a great bakery in UT.
So it was a fabulous day, It was nice to spend time with Just my husband with out kids. And I even got to read my book for a few minutes. What more can a momma want!

my sweet/cute/funny/crazy kids~! LOVE THEM!


Beckey said...

Glad you had a great birthday! I LOVE L.L. Bean! Lucky you! Sounds like you have some pretty nice friends too!

The Conductor said...

Happy Birthday, Chantel! I'm guessing Adam was behind the previous post? Sorry I'm late -- your name was on my calendar and I really honestly meant to email you a note...but obviously it didn't happen. I thought about you during the day but I guess not for the few quiet moments I had at the computer that day... Glad you had such a great time and that people took care of you. Sending you birthday hugs through cyberspace!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley