Friday, April 24, 2009


Today is Adam's last Ever Day in the clinic!!!!

So to document this historic event I took pictures. Scrubs and sneaks...UB Dental uniform-Check
Yesterdays yucky lunch- check
Squinting it the rare site of sunshine in buffalo-Check!
Well that is about it! The sun even made an appearance for this amazing event!
We feel so special! Next week is rotations and then he is Totally Finally Completely DONE!
Many days of thinking of these amazing events and they are here it is so unreal! I did some planning yesterday for Graduation and it is just crazy! I can't believe 4 long year are over here at Dental school. It is weird that we will be saying Adam is going to Work! Our kids don't even know what that is...they think everyone goes to school.
Adam, I just want you to know that you are amazing! You have done extremely hard things under extremely difficult circumstances and managed to do them in Top Quality. You are the best dentist I have ever had, and I know you will be a Fantastic Pediatric Dentist. You are one of the hardest workers I know, I can't even think of a time that you didn't go to school for personal reasons, not even one sick day. Your hard work has paid off! Me and the kids want you to know we love you and are so excited to be able to spend more quality time with you in the future.
GREAT JOB Adam... I mean Doctor Shepherd.
(Ps. we get some phone calls for Dr. Shepherd and I laugh everytime, I guess I need to teach my self not to laugh anymore!)
Just some pictures of the kids... Sucked in to Dragon Tales, and below is the crazy way Phoebe sleeps in her swing it is funny! Looks comfy..No.


Beckey said...

AAAHH! I can't believe you guys are DONE! I still remember the day like it was yesterday when Adam called me at work and said he wouldn't be able to work on Saturday...because he had to be in NY by MONDAY!!! That was just too crazy! I remember getting choked up because I was so happy for you guys! Congrats Adam, you really are going to be a good dentist!

P.S. I know a really good dental assistant named "Heidi" if you need to hire anyone soon! LOL HA HA HA! said...

Congratulations you guys!! This is very exciting!!!!!

Mama Bean said...


In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley