Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thankful Sunday

On Sunday for once...
Well life has been full of it lately Allie has been sick and just keeps coming back for more! Now Adam has it as of Yesterday and I am either getting it or paranoid... don't know which yet but I am nervous! Out a Daddy and a Mommy doesn't work well for the kiddies...
We spent yesterday at the UB north campus at the first LDSSA Spring Social, it was very fun with tons of people there and Yummy pizza. Lucas had a blast running free, it was in a big field and no big close dangers for him so we just let him run free and he was the Happiest boy in the world... Tired and dirty he fell asleep after about 1.5 minutes in the car. Allie also had a very good time till all her friends left at which point she became very sad that all her "best friends" had gone. The sun was shining and it was about 80 degrees, the wind was blowing like mad but that is OK I will take it. Of course I put sunscreen on Lucas my white boy but totally forgot myself except my face and so I am sunburned! At least I got Adams head covered so we were good there!

I am So thankful for the change of weather and the sunshine...The thaw has finally come!

I am hoping that we all get well this week, I am so tired from taking care of everyone in the middle of the night. Cross your fingers for us... I am SO SO SO thankful that Phoebe isn't sick and hoping she doesn't get sick! That would just be Very Bad!

I just went looking for Luke who was being way too quite which only means 2 things Trouble or Sleep.... Sleep was the verdict this time around, where you ask? Under the table bum in the air feet crossed.... LOVE IT! He is the cutest ever.

I am thankful for my friend Sarah giving us a swing that works since Phoebe's kicked the bucket. Which I am very upset about but what are you going to do right? So phoebe can still have a good nap, since she is anti-sleeping very long anywhere else during the day.

I am amused by the fact that my Daughter loves LOVES the Lawrence Welk Show...Every Sunday she goes crazy over this show, today she is changing her outfit every song trying to match the ladies on the show...Oh is she silly!

I am thankful that Adam encourages me to go to the gym I have been doing very well, and half the time I wouldn't have dragged myself out there if Adam had not said Just go!

Here is too getting better.... and updated to add pictures from the LDSSA Party thingy...

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In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley