1. While Adam & Allie went to return the trailer and I was trying to get a few things put away Lucas dumped 3/4 of a BRAND new bottle of laundry detergent on the floor...
2. He and Phoebe crawled around in it and spread it around the living room.
3. Lucas tried to use a bottle of vinegar as a stepping stool, and fell and got a nice cut right next to his eye.
4. Sprayed Raid in his plastic house and closed the windows and refused to come out.
5. Sprayed his tricycle with Raid, AFTER I took it away from him and put it up high (underestimated him again)
6. Sprayed Phoebe with Raid after I put it up EVEN higher.
7. Poured water all over their bedroom floor.
8. Unmade Allie's top bunk
9. Stole goldfish from a little girl at the swimming pool, tried to start a fight when she put up a fuss.
10. Finally went to sleep In his new Big Boy Bunk bed, but this morning pointed out to us that he slept with a can of Lysol...