Sunday, May 24, 2009

Thankful Sunday...

I am thankful we will now have a fabulous place to live for a darn good price... Even though it was a bit more than I had really wanted to pay, ( but still in our budget, and really not much more than we pay now) When I started adding up all the things... Garage, pantry with big kitchen all the appliances, 3 roomy bedrooms, finished basement, hardwood floors on the main floor but carpeting upstairs, laundry room, 2 full bathrooms, a nice landscaped yard, Lots of lilac bushes that all smell so good! The window coverings come with it, a nice couch in the basement will probably be staying. Good location near a park, and our gym, I realized that we are totally blessed. And I will admit I am still not 100% invested and feel like I can't be till I am walking through the door with a box...(just in case, I can't handle the disappointment) But I think all the other places are inferior to this one, the one house I loved was Wonderful, but we would have had to buy appliances and a few other things...So I can't hardly believe how we have been blessed.
I am thankful of getting to Utah in 4hrs and 40 minutes instead of 3 days and a million of miles.
I am thankful that the kids did so well and enjoyed themselves on the flights.
It is rainy in Utah, I am not happy about that but it is refreshing the way rain smells here, instead of how it smells in NY. Rain in the dessert just smells better, and seems more lovely than in NY.
I am thankful for Memorial day, and for all the people who have and who are defending our country so we all can sleep safely at night without fear. I always want to go tell soldiers I see thank you but always feel like it would sound stupid, but I hope they know that as for me I am Grateful that they are willing to give to keep our country free, and our children safe.

1 comment:

The Conductor said...

I love your Thankful Sundays, Chantel!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley