Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunday drivers...

That is us I had to get out the house was getting to me I needed fresh air and relaxing time. I really wanted to take some pictures too so we went on a drive. Which Allie hates... she needs a destination. But Alas she enjoyed playing games checking out cows and looking for horses. Which we found toward the end of the trip. She also remembered another similar ride we took back in April when we saw a Manure "sprinkler" and she asked Hey is there where we saw the Poop flying through the air? Yes dear it is! What a memory!
The sun peeked through for a few minutes....
Our family, Yeah I only noticed that LUKE had that Coke can when I Uploaded these pictures!
Here it is, somedays we just need a little fizzy drink to help make it through...
While we are at it maybe we need a little something wiggly too? Nah we passed...I love this picture, if you click and make it big the dandelions are all lite up, it is so pretty!
Same here with the dandelions...
The Three Amigos...And if it were up to them we would have a plethora of Pinatas.

1 comment:

The Conductor said...

A "plethora?" Do you KNOW what a "plethora" is?? (trying to quote; forgive me if I erred...) I love the new header picture of your three amigos!

I seriously just made your light-up dandelion picture my new wallpaper. Very fun.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley