Sunday, December 9, 2007

Random fun.....

Luke's Girlfriend Nicole, they were watching Cars! How cute!

Nice Teeth

Luke thought potty training would be great, he got the potty thing and put it on the toilet and so I stuck him up there. He sat there for like 10 minutes.


Melissa Pratt said...

That is funny, how cute, Luke is getting so big. I wish Caleb would sit and watch something on the tv once in awhile, but he wants nothing to do with it.

Crescent said...

Oh, so Luke dumped Maia? I see how it, I"m totally kidding. He sure is a cutie, I can see how all the ladies want him! And what a nice big front tooth he has!

Beckey said...

Ohh! Maybe he will be easy to potty train! Love his tooth!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley