Saturday, December 1, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree...

We went Christmas Tree hunting tonight.

I love Love this picture of the kids!
It is about as good as it gets with 2 kids one is looking at the camera and the other isn't screaming.

Some guy thought I was nuts asking him to take our picture... Oh well... came out pretty alright for the Christmas tree guy!

This is the one! Nice and Wide!

Luke looks crazy in this one!

My beautiful kids! I love them so much!


Amy said...

So you don't like the photo for our card???? j/k... Did you guys pick out your tree? So Munich and I have decided to leave early Monday morning like 3am on the 24th and stay until New Years day. Is that good for you guys? So we don't have to travel Sunday. He has a bunch of stuff with work that week. Plus we don't want to bug you guys by staying for 15 days. :)

Melissa Pratt said...

The photos are so darn cute! Looks like you had fun looking for the tree. Did you find the one you wanted? Melissa

Beckey said...

How fun! We have a fake tree, one day I want a real one though. You'll have to put a pic up of the one you ended up with! :)

Crescent said...

So cute!! You are so good that you remember to take your camera everywhere and then actually TAKE pictures..I need to be better. I love this time of year..good job on the tree.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley