Thursday, December 13, 2007

Snow Day!!!!!

Luke had a blast playing in the snow today! It was his first Real Snow playing experience.. he had so much fun, he wanted to shovel so bad but those dang mittens made it so hard! Allie had fun playing Queen of the hill and sliding down... she also helped shovel out the neighbors walk ways! What a sweetie she was running around yelling I am SOOOOO happy!!!!


Beckey said...

We started getting the storm late last night, it's snowing right now, but just flurries! It's so fun isn't it?

Crescent said...

Looks like fun! I need to take Maia out, but I am kinda wimpy when it comes to being cold for long periods of time....what am I doing living in Buffalo???!!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley