Thursday, February 5, 2009

busy day

Well Tuesday night Phoebe had a growth spurt and I was up all night feeding her! OY! So Wednesday I was not going to just sit around I was tired but needed a break from our four walls! So we headed out to Playgroup at Rachel's house, and Of course we were there till Forever! Sorry again Rachel! Allie loves playing there, she is buddies with Lilly and she loves Lilly's brothers, well it is a strange relationship, they fight, and on the way home Allie told me Mom I want to go back to Lilly's and fight with her brothers it is fun, they are fun! OK, then she told me that her daddy taught her how to sword fight on Star Wars! Oh boy! Lilly told Allie You're in love!! Allie said No I am not in love....(she just likes to fight!)
Then we came home and got dinner stuff done, Luke was Crashed out on the couch, Baby Bee ate a ton more, then I went to Recipe group in the evening, Can you believe it!?!? Two outings in One Day!!! That is like a record! Recipe exchange was fun! Lots of talented ladies sharing recipes, can't go wrong... Though I left my recipe there on accident I was going to bring it home and type it up to email Sorry Megan and Crescent if you find it let me know! There were like 4 dips, artichoke, spinach, Vegetable, Which one did Eliza bring cause it was yummy, I am sure they all are though...Megan made Hummus and these fabulous Pita bread chips, YUMMY! So anyway my point is it was fun to talk to big people~ Thanks ladies!

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In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley