Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun Fun Fun

Luke and Maia are 9 day apart she is the older woman!
We were invited to our friends house for dinner tonight, we had a great time with Great food! Both the kids even had dates!
Maia and Luke...

Allie and Hayden
These guys had a great time eating together, and then they ran around the house singing together, and I said Hey you aren't going upstairs are you? Allie answers No we are going to the temple! Oh Boy she is a little Young for that! PS, this Hayden is Jennifer (Slater) Phillips son, The girl Adam sat next to in middle school Band class. "it's a small world after all"

Cute shot of Maia, she was having so much fun slapping Luke around! What a good girl!

Luke looks so tall!

Ok if you look close you can see that Luke is getting his two bottom teeth! Yikes!

Allie beating up on Luke Oy, soon he will be big enough to really get her back, for now he just crawls over her and pulls her hair!


David said...

I love the'll have to send me a copy of that one of Maia under the table, it's a classic! Oh ya, and invite me to view your blog under my email, so i don't have to pretend I'm david!

Amy said...

That is so funny Allie said we are going to the Temple! You guys are going to have to worry eariler than you thought about boys. :) Luke is so cute. I just love his big smile.


In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley