Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to real life....

Well Adam is back to work today, and his lucky first patient of the semester was ME! He says I am his worst patient since I complain too much! Oh well! I guess I am anyones worst patient....Allie starts Preschool tomorrow and has a bday party and dance! BUSY!!!!!
Well just a tiny update! Have to go take care of things around here!

Addition to post....
Ok so yesterday when I needed my kids to wake up early they slept till 8:45... Today when we are Super Super busy and I wanted them to sleep in a bit so they wouldn't be grumpy by 10, they wake up at 7:20...Oy I so can't win! Plus I slept like really not well, and it was just a not good night for me. Allie woke up to go potty and then I so couldn't get back to bed for ages.
I guess just look at the bright side, Luke isn't nursing, and I am already showered! New year resolutions will be coming soon! :O)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Chantel! So that's why I haven't heard from you in FOREVER. Life happens. Congrats on getting the princess into preschool...keep me updated on how that goes. And WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! I've already had one good meltdown, and that was two days into it. Hm. Dental School rocks.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley