Sunday, January 27, 2008


My sweet kids are sick again! I am going to put them in a bubble! We only went one place this WHOLE week! obviously that was the "right" place! Oh well hopefully they will be back to normal by tomorrow! But dang they are cute! Even sick!~

Among all the sickness, A girl can dream right? We went and looked at this camera last night... How fun would that be......


Sharlene said...

I hear you about kids being sick. Kimberly got pink eye this last week. We have no idea where it came from. I hope Jonathan won't get it.
Your kids are so cute. I love how long Allie's hair is.

Beckey said...

I'm sorry you have sick kids! I'm just getting over Halle being sick too. She has had SOMETHING every week for the last 4-5 weeks. But it is something different every week. Not fun! Let's just say between her and Mason I am changing A LOT of diapers! Oh, I saw your comment on the donair sauce on the recipe blog. Donairs are really big up here in Atlantic Canada. They totally look disgusting and I will NEVER try one. But I hear they are good. I think they are Lebonese. People use the sauce to dip their breadsticks in and even their pizza! YUCK. What a way to ruin good pizza! Anyway, sorry for the long comment. I stole the other recipe link you have on your blog, hope you don't mind!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley