Number one today I am thankful for Allie and Luke, I know I am so lucky to have two great kids, who aren't perfect and who are wonderful. Luke fell asleep in my arms at church today and just having that time to look at his face and see him so peaceful and sweet, it was nice...
Allie is just growing so big and beautiful, she is a great girl and she loves to help out and "do things like a family" She is sweet and tender and she reminds me that we need to have more fun, and adventures she is always up for fun. Especially if it involves the library or the park.
I am thankful for being in Primary, I get to learn the songs, and be given yummy treats, and hear some really funny "kid" answers to questions, like today, there was a picture of Abraham and Isaac and they say what is this a picture of? Some kid says, Its a Donkey, and some guy with a mustache. I am also thankful today
Megan, my lovely co-teacher let me off the hook and I got to go to Nursery instead and hang out with Lucas...Who was tired and he just let me hold him most of the time.
I am thankful for Chocolate...I love it, bad I know, and right now chocolate doesn't taste the best but I still love it, I made chocolate muffins this morning, they were yummy!
I am NOT Thankful for GAS, at least the price it is, actually it makes me sick to think about it, gas here yesterday between the time Adam went to the gym and the time we went to the store only a few hours... went up to 3.93 REALLY someone somewhere needs a really big spanking for letting this get so out of hand, in 2 weeks gas went from 3.72 to 3.93?????? Ok I am not going to talk about that anymore besides to say any trips this summer are going to hurt, a lot!
I am thankful that Deloy is sending my bicycle out, and we bought a bike trailer for the kids, (on sale at Target) so we can go to the library and maybe Wegmens without spending 6 dollars in gas.
THANKS DELOY, above and beyond, you are great! (we are also looking for a bike for Adam so we can all do some riding!)
I am thankful for my love of reading, I don't know were I got it, but i just love to read, and write. I am thankful for good books and entertaining books, and for my journal...
Ok so some of these are random this week but hey what can you do!
I hope everyone has a great week!
Happy Sunday!