Thursday, May 29, 2008

Where's the Beach?

This evening we went to the Beaver Island State Park beach for a Class of 2009 picnic...It was Freezing! But that didn't stop my Crazy kid from getting wet. "It's not that bad mom!" haha, it is that bad you're just numb! The wind was blowing so hard it was crazy! Even the seagulls where having a hard time flying... they just kinda hovered there. We also saw some Crazy big fish jumping right up out of the water HUGE fish! And the gulls were dive bombing straight down they would just Drop in the water and then reappear a few seconds later, it was crazy! As for the picnic... well I have had better, but hey what can we do!

Adam even chased the Gulls to show Luke how to do it right!
I love that Allie is off the ground in both the pic above and below!

She got really crazy for a minute and then thought Hmm, yeah it is a bit cold!

Hey where is Luke?

Nice spot!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well sorta... Say hello to our new baby...Hello! This is the newest member of our family and she/he is due to arrive December 24th, 2008... So like I said , MERRY CHRISTMAS!The baby was sleeping when we first looked and then it woke up and started moving around a bit... it was neat to realize hmm, there is someone living in my belly!
They also have 4D, and this is the baby seahorse, Oh I mean Shepherd below... but it looked more like a seahorse in this mode...

Monday, May 26, 2008


In order not to cry, I am pretending that this was how I wanted the pictures to turn out... and that I borrowed someones really old really crappy camera to take them....My advice for the day is NEVER under any circumstance EVER allow anyone to touch your camera.... Just friendly advice...

Allie's day turned out great actually I was so excited that the rains never came, and it was a lovely day, the kids were so funny they had stage shock, and were all dancing completely different, it was the best dance by far, just cause it was so cute. They we went and rode rides...this whole time we could tell something was up with the camera since it wasn't taking pictures as fast as it normally does, but I wasn't sure what was wrong so I didn't know how to fix it. DARN! Then Lucas got on that car ride, and he was the happiest little man in the country. He rode twice, he was in heaven! Allie rode everything she could get too, it was a really fun day! Till I got home and downloaded the pictures, then I just wanted to cry...But hey I got it on video...Which is great! These two are ones that make me want to cry....

Today is the day....

Allie's dance program, (one of them) We are holding out for no rain, even though there is a 50% chance... Hopefully it will go well and she will get to have fun, so hopefully updating later with fun pictures etc.

Not to mention it is Memorial Day, I am sad we didn't get to go put up flags this year, Everything seems Off this year, the weather is the pits, and I am tired, and things feel weird...
But I guess that is just how it goes sometimes... I have more to say but I will get to that later too... I have so much to do!
Wish us LUCK! Mostly Allie who keeps asking why her teacher won't be on stage with her! Yikes!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Thankful sunday

I am thankful for having spent the afternoon with the family we went to a little river near here and the kids threw about a million rocks into the water and ran up and down and up and down a hill for a half hour...
I am thankful for the library again, we got about13 books and it is fun to read books that we haven't ever seen before and don't have to keep forever!
I am thankful for getting out of the house for nice weather though tomorrow that is going to probably change... Of Course...
I am thankful for one more year in NY... at least that that is all we have in NY! Sorry, I need more sunshine!

Kinda lame this week but I am Very Very tired, and honestly I am going to bed!

Which leads me to say I am thankful for a comfy bed.....ZZZzzzzzz.....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Annette!

We wish you a great birthday! Don't worry your card isn't in the mail, it is just going to be late! Sorry I am a major slacker this year...After I am done being sick I will get back on the ball...
We hope you have a great day, and enjoy whatever you are doing!
Happy Birthday!

Friday, May 23, 2008

I have been lazy..

I haven't taken many pictures lately... now my camera has a bag it is just that much more work! Lazy beast I know! So I just took a bunch of pictures... here they are...The Duo that keeps me very busy and very tired...

Luke still loves his saucer, he climbs under the bed sometimes and gets in it then is stuck so I have to pull him out!

Nice onesie...
Luke likes high heels! LOL or at least these plastic pair that Allie wears and stomps all over the place in... They make good loud noises!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Ok More Randomness...

I got Tagged for 8 Random facts about me...

1. I NEVER wanted kids, maybe one just cause I can but that was about it...2.5 later I know I am not the only one who is shocked.

2. I am from Vermont, but I have lived in New York (several times), Boston, Wyoming (I know don't tell anyone), Utah... I probably couldn't count the number of times I moved... well I probably could but I am lazy. But I have moved across the country...4 times...

3. I love to read, I love books, stationary, pens, Mail, I wanted to be a Librarian for a long time, but just couldn't do it...I love book stores, and pretty much all paper products...craft stores, Office supply stores...

4. It is really hard to come up with more random facts...I have been to England, just ask Tom, I met him there at the Hard Rock Cafe, and we have been friends ever since...

5. I used to hate cooking, and anything to do with Kitchens but now I love kitchens, and I am always looking at peoples kitchens trying to figure out the "perfect" set up for me. I also like cooking (except right now pregnant I hate all food)

6. I love love love love love love love Christmas....If I could have that season 2 times a year I would, Sadly the weather here is really Fall like and they have been for some Odd reason playing Christmas Cartoons on PBS here, so my brain is confused and I keep thinking I need to get ready for Christmas...I wish I was Martha Stewart at Christmas time... I would love to have a great house and throw an amazing party...Every Year! I get all these Christmas party books out from the library and read them and plan for the future!

7. Are you serious we aren't to 8 yet! I am stretching here I can't think of anything...Allie just old me we are having 3 babies... YIKES lets hope not! Oh boy, I didn't like camping too much before Adam and I got together...but I did win a fishing Derby once... Now that is random..

8. I have only cut my hair 3 times in the 3 years we have lived here in NY, and I haven't dyed my hair for like 5 years...I just don't trust anyone here with my hair, I have seen how Allie comes out of Supercuts.
Sorry Really lame, but I can't think of anything interesting about me...

A little video...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Random stuff...

Well the weather here stinks! it is low fifties... boo hoo, seriously last year we went to the beach and it was HOT!!! I am wondering if Memorial day isn't going to be rain, but actually the weekend looks to be a Bit nicer, low sixties...
Allie is going to be having a little recital at this Theme park place called Martin's Fantasy Island on Memorial day. I hope the weather works with us for that.
Today we are really busy but I am SOOOO tired I can't get myself to move! I have a dr appointment and Allie has Dance, and other random running around.

Well I found some lovely artistry in the kids room... who did it???
Well lets just say I caught him green handed!
Can you believe that was Luke and Allie last May?
Luke is a bit more of a trouble maker this May!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thankful Sunday

Number one today I am thankful for Allie and Luke, I know I am so lucky to have two great kids, who aren't perfect and who are wonderful. Luke fell asleep in my arms at church today and just having that time to look at his face and see him so peaceful and sweet, it was nice...
Allie is just growing so big and beautiful, she is a great girl and she loves to help out and "do things like a family" She is sweet and tender and she reminds me that we need to have more fun, and adventures she is always up for fun. Especially if it involves the library or the park.

I am thankful for being in Primary, I get to learn the songs, and be given yummy treats, and hear some really funny "kid" answers to questions, like today, there was a picture of Abraham and Isaac and they say what is this a picture of? Some kid says, Its a Donkey, and some guy with a mustache. I am also thankful today Megan, my lovely co-teacher let me off the hook and I got to go to Nursery instead and hang out with Lucas...Who was tired and he just let me hold him most of the time.

I am thankful for Chocolate...I love it, bad I know, and right now chocolate doesn't taste the best but I still love it, I made chocolate muffins this morning, they were yummy!

I am NOT Thankful for GAS, at least the price it is, actually it makes me sick to think about it, gas here yesterday between the time Adam went to the gym and the time we went to the store only a few hours... went up to 3.93 REALLY someone somewhere needs a really big spanking for letting this get so out of hand, in 2 weeks gas went from 3.72 to 3.93?????? Ok I am not going to talk about that anymore besides to say any trips this summer are going to hurt, a lot!

I am thankful that Deloy is sending my bicycle out, and we bought a bike trailer for the kids, (on sale at Target) so we can go to the library and maybe Wegmens without spending 6 dollars in gas.
THANKS DELOY, above and beyond, you are great! (we are also looking for a bike for Adam so we can all do some riding!)

I am thankful for my love of reading, I don't know were I got it, but i just love to read, and write. I am thankful for good books and entertaining books, and for my journal...

Ok so some of these are random this week but hey what can you do!
I hope everyone has a great week!
Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Outdoor fun

Meet Wormy, This is Allie's new friend, she loves him...
last night she dug him (or one who looks like him) up and put him in her play house on the table then she went out later to put her bike away and he was GONE! She cried, she misses her friend, he ran away!~ It was pretty funny to see a 4 yr old girl crying over a missing Worm!
So I told her today that he was probably right here under dirt and I turned the shovel and there "he" was! She was soooo happy he didn't go to far from home! She told him he was her best friend and that he shouldn't leave her again.
here she is building him a little home,
Right next to her is my garlic, and it is below too! It is getting big...and it smells, normally I like that smell but right now... Not so much!
Violets, my mom gave them when we moved here and I started with one bunch, and then I spread out the off shoots, and these are the ones that are a year old, they are huge!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Allie's Dance picture

Allie, Brianna, Arianna, Kira and Alexis....

Personally I think Allie is the cutest! Bias I know, the poor little girl in the middle is cute in real life but in this picture looks like the bride of Chucky... Poor thing!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby backround

Just wanted to tell you about the history of our baby, Allie has been praying for a Sister for about 5 months now...Since January, in her meal prayers or bedtime prayer she would include Baby Sister...So you know Allie is convinced this is a baby girl we are having. She said the prayer the day after we found out we were having a baby and said thank you for our baby sister, and Adam interjected Brother. Allie calmly continued Heavenly Father thank you so much for our new baby is so funny, but if it is a boy I think we are going to have problems! Allie is very excited non-the less and I am sure she is going to be a great helper this time around she is always taking good care of me when I am sick, and telling me it will all be OK!
Luke, he may have some adjusting to do, he is a Momma's boy he has to be held in the mornings and he doesn't even like me holding Allie! He also likes to hit everything with anything resembling a stick, so that probably could be bad!
Well I hope you all had lovely Mother's days and good Mondays also!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day....

Well just wanted to say I love my momma! And my meme, and maw. I am also blessed with a mother in law who loves me and that is lucky!
I love you all! My kids love all their grandma's too!
My mom above my meme below...Annette (Adam's Momma)
Below is a picture of Meme (my grandma) and her mom "Maw" and her sisters

Here is Maw and Lucas
This is the day after I became a Mom, Thank you Allie for being a great daughter! I am blessed to be a mother, I have two great kids and Surprise one on the way, Yup I will become a mother again in December.
So I just want to say that I love all the great mom's who put their heart in to being a mom, and for your examples to the rest of the world. A mothers work is important and hard, and fun, and probably the most under appreciated job that is out there... I love being a mother and I am thankful for the chance I have had to grow and learn from my kids. Allie and Lucas, I love you so much! Thanks for being great kids and letting me be your mom!
In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley