Friday, May 16, 2008

Outdoor fun

Meet Wormy, This is Allie's new friend, she loves him...
last night she dug him (or one who looks like him) up and put him in her play house on the table then she went out later to put her bike away and he was GONE! She cried, she misses her friend, he ran away!~ It was pretty funny to see a 4 yr old girl crying over a missing Worm!
So I told her today that he was probably right here under dirt and I turned the shovel and there "he" was! She was soooo happy he didn't go to far from home! She told him he was her best friend and that he shouldn't leave her again.
here she is building him a little home,
Right next to her is my garlic, and it is below too! It is getting big...and it smells, normally I like that smell but right now... Not so much!
Violets, my mom gave them when we moved here and I started with one bunch, and then I spread out the off shoots, and these are the ones that are a year old, they are huge!!

1 comment:

The Favorite said...

Those are such great pictures of her with the worm! Beautiful! I am also WAY impressed with you flowers and garden.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley