Well since I don't have any Fourth of July pictures...I put just ones from last year with flags! haha so no Allie &Luke didn't shrink! It is just last year!
Well Allie woke up at somewhere around 5:30, woke up Luke, then made their way to our room about 15 min. later, so now we are all crabby and ready for Naps which Adam is taking and the kids are watching a show on PBS. And me I am blogging! I can't nap, especially this early in the day...Sad I know!
I found some of our last years 4th pictures too...I hope everyone has a safe and lovely patriotic day, we are truely lucky to live here, especially after Adam's Dominican trip, and seeing the pictures and hearing crazy stories, we are blessed and sadly we are so blessed that we hardly know it. In the Dominican power is so expensive they shut it off in the middle of the day and then turn it back on before nightfall. I was also reading about Niger, and they have to do the same, but I think it is worse I think they have theirs off 80% of the day, and only in the cities, the bush just has No power at all. Not to mention they mostly have outhouses not toilets, Even in the city. And the hospital, Well lets just say we wouldn't consider it a hospital or even a clinic, the people say in courtyards, not rooms, and they all stay outside together. (See here for more with pictures of hospital) Not to mention all the freedoms of thought and action we have here. I was recently asked why freedom of choice was so important, when if we were just made to do what is right it would stop misery and innocent children from being victims of others choices. I have thought about this a lot since then, and I have realized how Miserable it would be Not to be able to choose for ourselves and to express our personalities. No not everyone makes good choices, not everyone does what is right. But I am glad we have the chance to change and grow because we have the right to choose. God gave us all talents and traits that are very important, and we all have the chance to at Any point in our lives make a change if we are brave, and faithful enough. There is Never a time we can say we don't have a choice because if you think about it, we Do. Even if they are Much harder, if they are the Right thing we will be blessed in doing them.
So I hope everyone today remembers all those who have made this country free, and all those who continue to fight to make it free. Be grateful, be Loving to other, and enjoy your freedom to choose.... Now do you want a Hot Dog or a Hamburger?
Love you all!
PS we will leave sometime before Noon, I hope!
also click here for Niger info... I found a cool girl who visited and blogged all about her experience of working at a hospital there
Chantel I love you! You are awesome, hope that you had a great 4th. Ours was fun, nice to get away but nice to get home also.. be careful.
Darling Pics.
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