Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our close encounter of the scary kind

These are progression of what we saw, and experienced minus the crazy winds, which I was having too much of a panic attack to be taking pictures. I seriously felt like we were in the middle of Twister. I thought for sure we were gonners. I don't think I have been that scared in hmm, well since I was in Boston, and there was a weird guy on the train with a knife. But that is a different story. We were driving down the road at about 10 mph, and the wind was blowing tree branches across the road and 9 or of 10 cars were off to the side of the road, (we kept going cause is seemed stupid to be a sitting duck, plus I wanted to get out of there!) Adam says, I hope our car doesn't get taken out. about 20 seconds later.. BOOM! this big ole branch smacked into my window and I about lost myself. Finally we got off that road and onto a different one, and then the winds mellowed out... OY, it was crazy!

For miles we could see the normal sky outside of the storm.


Brynn P. said...

Wow, I have never seen anything like that. That is so stinking scary. I think I would've been praying HARD!!! YIKES. I'm glad that everything turned out okey!!

Sharlene said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! I got chills looking at those pictures! You got some great shots! Maybe the National Geographic would pay you for some. But, oh my, I would be freaking out as well! WOW.

Sheyna said...

Whoa, that is scary. I HATE tornadoes. I guess it wasn't your time to go.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley