Friday, July 25, 2008

Home again... and then Home again giggity gig...

Well we got home yesterday, and we were dirty tired and busy, so I did not get to this... but then the worst happened...Luke has the flu! Well hey what is a family trip without being sick! We all had fun at the sand dunes, it was pretty darn hot at the mid-day time, so thankfully Brandon brought his trailer and we put on the AC and played phase 10 for about 4 hours...Then it was cool enough to get out again. We leave tomorrow for home although really none of us want to leave, Allie most of all. Hope that we don't continue to be sick on the way home! YIKES!

Sand girls...Future trouble, the boys better watch out!This was so funny these kids all in the Rhino~!
Luke and his beloved Dog Dog.. we always knew were Luke was cause he was always calling Dogdog! Dogdog! There is a funny story about Dogdog...whose name is Toby, well Ryan (adam's brother) was out in the middle of the night going to the bathroom and here he looks up and sees a coyote running at him, well he take off running for his van, where they were sleeping, and he didn't realize the side door was open and the head sticks in the side door so he shuts it... well come to find out that coyote is really just Toby Coyote... (which is her nickname) it was pretty funny! Poor Ryan!
Luke ran away in the dark after that dog dog he got a ways out (we were watching him) and they they went and rescued him... personally I think it was a plot he just wanted a ride in the Rhino!

Luke Practicing for future driving... like his shirt Allie picked it out and made him wear it for the trip! Below is McQuade, the Flu bearer...Poor boy but dang he is cute!
Cute Allie cat!
Rolling in the sand is lots of fun!
Buggy riding...The kids love it so much! They had so much fun they just kept asking for a new driver, can we go up the big hill? can we go again!?!?
on the way there...Buggy...

Lukes little paw prints in the sand.
He is a boy, roll in the dirt is a must!
Allie and her Best friend and cousin, Katie. They were hooked together like glue!

5 comments: said...

Looks like you are having lots and lots of fun!

Elisa said...

Oh good! You're all safe! (j/k...haha). Glad you all had so much fun rolling around in the sand!

Melissa Pratt said...

oh how fun, I am jealous, those pics bring back so many memories of all of our trips to the sand dunes! Looks like Fun!!!! I love you guys, wish you weren't going home yet, we didn't get to visit enough :( Have a safe trip home..

Beckey said...

I love the picture of the foot prints in the sand. Sad that Luke was sick...I was hoping we could have got together last night after you got home, when we didn't hear from you I figured you got home late or you were too tired. Too bad it wasn't one of those reasons! I bet Luke wishes it was one of those reasons too! Poor little guy, not fun being sick!

Beckey said...

P.S. Have a safe and fun road trip home!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley