Friday, January 30, 2009

Mission organize...

Not so shining sink, I made the picture small on purpose!
OK so Three kids have beat us up...I was pretty well on my way to getting organized and before baby Bee, I was pretty good 85% of the time... But now life is just one tired messy day after another...I am keeping my house clean for 5 of the 7 days of the week, dinner happens 4 of the 7 days, and I get rest 2 of the 7 days. Laundry is taking 5 of the 7 days instead of the normal 1 of the 7...things are getting backed up way too easy and I am passing out the second Phoebe falls asleep, Adam is wanting to crash about 8pm every night too. And Allie and Luke are wanting to stay up till 10 at least...So you see the problem is we need to fix this problem!
Back in the Old days I had a friend who was a Fly Lady freak, (not that her house was EVER clean but I guess at least she was trying!) Anyway, I learned a few tricks like shine your sink, which have stuck with me and I love having my sink clean now...Weird I know! I joined their yahoo group today, and am hoping it will give me some more tips. I did already gleaned a great idea, I have never had luck menu planning, but she says for a month write down everything you eat then you know what you make and can go from there to make you plan, I thought that was a great idea!~ So I am going to try that out.
I need to find some way to get time for myself and create, but it just isn't happening, I don't have time with Hubby, and that I need too, he does too... when I forget to say HI how are you? and just look at him as he walks in and continue to do whatever it was I was already doing that isn't good!
But I guess my point is that I am calling out for help. How do you keep organized and what are your tips and tricks? I am open to any idea besides giving in and letting the kids run the place, since that hasn't seemed to work! :O)
Seriously If I don't have any comments on this post I am going to go NUTS! Help!


Beckey said...

You know, the last year or so was really hard on me with Halle and Mason being so close. I pretty much sat on a couch and nursed a baby while my other older baby ran around the living room. It does get easier and you will get a routine down. There were some days I didn't even get dressed except to pick up the kids from school. Now that Mason is older and I only nurse at night I have more time to get things done. Plus, now Mason AND Halle are running around so I am finding WAY less time to blog. (I used to blog while nursing) My point is, if you have a good day... YAY and some days you really just don't get much done and you have to be okay with it. Otherwise you will make yourself crazy.

The menu tip...I keep a little pad of paper in my purse and I make a list of 5-6 meals on one side and then on the other side I write all of the ingredients that I need to buy from the store to make those meals. I keep them in the pad each week. Then I can look through and see what I have made when so we are not eating the same thing over and over too close together. I can look weeks back and see what we had and when. It helps me stay organized as far as meals go. Plus it is my shopping list too, so if I am low on something, I write it on the "ingredient" side for the next time I go to the store so I don't forget. Anyway, good luck. Tell Adam hello!

Mama Bean said...

Alright my friend here is my advice. I do the menu planning. And it works out great. At least 2 meals a month I try to make double and freeze SO I have a good stash for the I hate cooking day or week.

In order to keep my house clean, I tackle ONE and only one room a day. Clean it good and be done. Then as I wonder throughout the house, I will pick up things as I wonder it and out of rooms. Then, I can have clutter but the good cleaning is done!! I have accepted toys out and dishes in the sink overnight. In the morning I run the dishwasher and do the dishes while I am fresh. Forget about doing it the night before. I am fried and SO done with the day. So it is sit time, not clean time. Call me lazy but it actually works and then if someone is coming over I can I can throw the clutter down the hall and the rest looks half clean!!!


jessie said...

umm... i wish I could say something profound and make it all better, but I really dont know what its like with 3, but Im sure you are doing a better job than u are giving yourself credit for! I think spending time with the kids is more important than a clean house! also, i like tacos, i make tons and then we eat them for days after!

Anonymous said...

This too shall pass! It's bound to be crazy! You just had a baby! Allow for that and it won't stress you so much.

One thing that helped me when we had stairs (and now that we have them again) is to have a large box or laundry basket of random things that need to go upstairs. Then I'd have the kids play a little game, freeze pick up, or who can do it the fastest, counting out 10 items while I time them, who can find _____ first and get it in the basket, etc and have them fill the basket with random items while I'm nursing so when I'm done the floor is at least picked up a bit and the kids are kept busy. I don't know if this would be helpful, but for me, if I'm not triping over things, I'm happier.

In 4 months, will you remind me that life can get back to normal again, because i'm sure I'll have forgotten.

Jennifer said...

I remember how easy 1 and 2 kids were. After #3 i sat and wondered what I had done with so much free time. Having a new baby is so overwhelming which makes real life seem so underwhelming. At this stage i learned A few very important things and try to remember them when life gets tough. #1 pick your battles, cause some are not important and some just can't be won.#2 no matter how tired Adam is and how much you love him and care about his rest you can and need to hand him the babies and say do let anyone near me for a few hours or just leave. you will be a better wife and mother when you come back. #3 having a perfect and organized house and 3 kids is amazing but not realistic. They will in a very short time be grown up and gone so enjoy even the tired middle of night times. #4realize that life can't be that bad now because they will probably get worse later and then you will wonder why it was so hard back then:D #4 no one has the perfect advice for you, live and learn. It helps me to schedule a regular out just for me like when i played Bunco or ladies bowling league. sometimes it was a burden to make it out every time but i really needed it.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley