Monday, January 12, 2009

Random pictures....And love for Amy J.

Daddy Tradition...

Look at that cute dimple!Although this picture below seems Totally Random, it is important! My good friend Amy J. brought us over a frozen meal...Even though she was Moving halfway across the country! She says it is no big deal but don't believe her, she is fabulous! Well then I actually got around to reading what was on the "instructions" and I just laughed and laughed! Amy I love you! You are the best, and when I let it sink in that you moved I will be so sad, right now since I am skipping church and not getting out I am pretending that you still live 2 streets over! You are missed, even though I am in denial!


The Favorite said...

Your children are so beautiful. That is a fun daddy tradition. I miss Amy too and would be happy to be in denial with you. I have a gift for Phoebe so I'll see you soon!

Elisa said...

Pheobe is so darling! I love the dimple! Adam's little tradition is so fun!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley