Friday, August 15, 2008

More fun no pictures!

Are you excited no pictures! Anyway Allie Luke and I went swimming in our complex pool last night but it started thundering and lightning about 15 minutes into it. So of course it was out of the pool and go home... Lots of work for little reward. Oh well So Allie and I went today this morning while Luke was napping and Adam stayed home with him. Then we went to the All School Picnic, the kids got dirty and had lots of fun and as always we were Literally the last people to leave! But the kids had fun! We went to Wegmans and got some Ice cream and had a lovely thunder storm, I think about everyday we get one! Kinda stinks! the temps drop about 15 degrees, so there goes the nice day, but I guess it cools it off for night. I also got rid of my bookshelf today so that is gone I am sure Adam is thrilled since he hated it. Oy! Now we will have room for a Christmas tree when the time comes!
Well really not much going on...we may go to Rochester tomorrow but I don't know what we are going to do yet. Our last Hoorah before school kicks in Full force!
PS Luke just brought me the Ipod and made me put one in my ear and one in his and he is bopping his head to No Doubt! Silly boy!
OH and my biggest news.... I bought MogPodge, even though I have no idea how to use it, and I found a craft, I got some "Cars" fabric and I had some Princesses fabric and I am going to make the kids pillow cases... that should be fun! I am excited and so is Allie she has wanted me to do that with hers for a while! I am sure Luke is going to love his! So I am excited! I also realized I need to make new baby a stocking for Christmas... So that will be next on my list!

1 comment: said...

Sheesh you are so super duper crafty. I can't wait to see the pillow cases and stocking!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley