Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thankful Sunday

* Nothing new... Thankful for My kids! They love each other so much! They were sitting like this for like 10 minutes tonight! So cute!
*I am thankful for a great family, it was so cute at church today Lucas passed out (finally) and Adam was just looking at him and it was the sweetest thing ever!
* I am thankful to have a teaching companion for my class at church it was so nice just to show up today and not have to think of ways to keep those kids entertained!
*I am thankful for Fall to be coming, I am ready! I have printed pumpkin pictures for Allie to color and we will hang them up! Yeah! I love Fall! I guess I can get out my scarecrow sometime soon too! hehe!
*I am thankful for a good friend, Thanks Heather for coming over Saturday and keeping me from going nuts while Adam took that fake test that took all day! It was fun!
* I am thankful for the Lord and for the blessing and comfort He gives me... It amazes me to think of how blessed I am, I am totally overwhelmed by the love Heavenly Father has for me and amazed at the fact that He knows me so personally and that He cares so deeply about My little issues! I am glad to know Him.

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In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley