Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where's the Beach... This way!

Why we always end up at the beach in the fall is beside me, probably because it is Free! But it was great just to get out there and let the kids run and not be worried about them at all, the water is shallow for Miles and there is no one really around so it is wonderful! Luke Loved it he chased seagulls, and dug in the sand played in the water, and passed out in the car 2 seconds after leaving the beach! Wonderful! Allie had a blast to and also is now sleeping soundly! We SO need a yard for these kids to run around in!
Maddie and Rylee were so cute in their matching suits!
Poor Rylee was working so hard to try to fill up that bucket and every time she went back for more water Luke dumped the bucket! It was funny and she never noticed!
What a cute bunch, Luke, Noah, Allie and Maddie (Rylee was on a potty run)
I love both of these of Luke, boy he is soooo cute and just the sweetest!This one is SO my kids, Allie skipping and Luke "exploring"
Noah LOVES Allie, Allie loves Noah too, and I just love this picture of them holding hands! And above Noah looks so proud he got Allie to go with him!

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In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley