Sunday, September 7, 2008

Thankful Sunday....

Ok since Every week I say I am thankful for Allie and Luke I decided I am just going to try to put a picture I love of them, so you will know I love them and I am thankful for them but I don't have to say the same thing EVERY week...How does that sound?!? Easy right?
Ok so This week, Allie and Luke were so cute! One night before bed Lucas becoming a professional procrastinator like his sister decided he wanted to lay in bed with Allie, and then that turned to hugging Allie which was Super cute and too good not to get a picture or 5 of! So that is what this is from...This picture say love to me...

~Well today I am thankful for Goals, I am thankful that we have the chance to renew our selves and to become better that we were before. We have the chance Everyday to do something we havent' done before be it learning to make something new for dinner or sewing something, or even just reading a book about something we are interested in. That is just cool to me! I don't think I do it enough! Today in Relief Society they gave out a paper were you plan your goals and it has a place to mark off that you are actually doing your goal, I thought that was just cool, nothing monumental or ground breaking but I though Hmm, I need to do that! So now I have it!
~I am thankful for FALL!!! This new baby is so high and she is just up under my ribcage and I have the hardest time breathing...So the freash crisp air is much more pleasant than the hot muggy air that has been around. Fall to me is the Get things done time of year, I don't know why, it just is! I have a ton of projects lined up, my curtians still waiting to be started, Allie's skirt still to be planned, Lukes pillowcase to be made, I am also really wanting to make a blanket for baby. Baby hats to knit, and about a million other little things I love and can't wait to do with the kids this fall. Fall is for sure my favorite time of year. I am thankful for each one!
(except the year of the October storm when that ruined all my motivation... Snow in October = YUCK!)
~I am thankful for the quite time I get when all "3" of the kids let me nap and then when I wake up they are still all sleeping...Like right now!
~I am thankful for my friend Heather who let me borrow too many books, but I am loving them...Alexander McCall Smith's The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency is Very cute I read the first too books in like 2 days! They are Very cute, clean, reads, so if you are looking for a book suggestion there is your tip of the day! Plus they take place in Africa which is cool to me because I love to learn about new places that I never would have known much about.
~Hmm, what else, I feel like I have so much spinning around in my head, but nothing wants to pop out in solid understandable form, I am thankful for Adam, of course, I am thankful that he Loves me even when I do stupid things. I won't say more about that! haha
~Well I guess for this week that will be it, it is kinda growing long. Just know I am thankful for the many things God does for me and my family, they keep us floating along, and help us to be happy, we are blessed to want of nothing, and for that I am truely grateful!

2 comments: said...

I love reading your thankful lists every week. I have to say I totally agree with getting motivated and getting things done. It is true Fall just does it to ya!

The Conductor said...

Chantel, I am so impressed by your kids. Here I am, finally getting a break because my kids have stopped clobbering each other and somehow fallen asleep, and then I come see these beautiful pictures of siblings who actually love each other, enough to hug each other and laugh and smile together. I love it! (And I'm glad that you stop and take the chance to love it too!) actually got to go to RS? How'd you pull that one? Sounds like a good lesson. You are inspiring me, what with all your goal-setting intentions and projects to finish. Now to just get off this computer and get going on some of them...

Okay, so I commented! I love your blog but don't hold it against me for not saying hi more often. Hugs to you from me!


In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley