Monday, November 17, 2008

The best day Ever!

Allie had a pretty good day she was a little cranky from being tired but she had her Best buddy Rylee over today, and Rylee brought her a Dora Dolly, from us she got the rubber princess dolly, and 2 pairs of pants and the skirt I made her. Then we were invited to our friends house for dinner and Family home evening... They got her a pink poodle webkins, Allie loves it! They made us a fantastic dinner of which I ate WAY too much, and then cake YUMMY and Ice cream, I pigged out, I admit it! I am still pregnant right? (Thanks Eliza! It was so nice to come over! The food was fabulous! and the Company was too!)Then we came home got pj's on and hung out waiting for Daddy to get home, then the best surprise of all...We went to go out the door to get Adam and Allie starts screaming MOM COME HERE YOU HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS!!!! Yup you guessed it Snow! about an inch in an hour! The kid were Thrilled!

Allie's snow Angel! She was so excited to play in the snow at 10pm, she said to Adam, Come on daddy play with me in the snow it will make me so happy, and since you didn't get me a present I will be sad unless you play in the snow with me! Guilt much?


The Favorite said...

Those pictures are great. I LOVE the baby ones too. Thanks for sharing your birthday with us Allie- we love cake and ice cream anytime!

Mama Bean said...

Boy, talk about laying on the guilt super thick. You are so good to let her play in the snow at 10. I would have been a meanie and said no, I am going to bed!! HEHEHE

Beckey said...

Glad she had a great day! We got snow today but it didn't stick! :) Happy Birthday Allie!

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley