Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving...

Yummy, hopefully today's bird will be as yummy as last years, and the year be fores and the year be fores! I hope everyone has a Fabulous day with family and friends and remembering the many blessings we have and being Thankful for all we have. I hope everyone this holiday season will find some small way to share of our plenty, I know many of us don't have a LOT but we have enough and what a blessing that is! I have challenged my little family to look for good things we can do for others throughout the season, Small or large we may never know the impact of our actions. So smile a little bigger, and help others in need! I love you all, and wish you the most wonderful, beautiful holiday yet!

Adam is out in the cold running the Worlds oldest road race the Turkey Trot, I hope he does well or at least makes it! It is pretty cold, at least for me I am sure he is going to do great! The kids are getting ready for a fun day with friends, we have a craft center set up, and we are getting ready to watch the parade which we have never done before. Hopefully they like it! Oh and the other news is that I finally finished my curtains! Can you believe it???? We need to get a rod to hang it with and then I will take pictures and show you!
I had a Doc appointment yesterday all is well, baby is funny she had the hiccups when we were listening to her heart, it was funny to heart bump bump HICK bump bump Hick! I am excited to see her cuteness! Well I guess that is all! Take care Love Chantel


Mama Bean said...

Have good turkey eats. Maybe you will soon have a house in SL?? That would be great!!!

Beckey said...

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Can't wait to see the curtains!

The Davies Family said...

The race results are in..Adam did great!
The turkey looks yummy..any left overs?

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley