Monday, October 6, 2008

Extra thankful Monday...

Well after a long crazy kid filled, wild riding weekend, I was too wiped out last night to even sort through my thoughts. Conference was great, what I heard of it... anyone with kids knows unless they are sleeping you really don't get to hear All of it! But I will say I had some wonderful thoughts and very much felt the spirit touch my heart. President Monson's talk Sunday morning was wonderful, that is totally something I have been thinking about for a while now... Loving my kids as much as I can taking in Every moment, not missing as much for silly reasons. Realizing all those Cheerios I picked up yesterday I am someday soon going to miss. My cute cuddley kids are going to soon be too big to be held and cuddled. I don't want to miss that! I try to make sure I love Adam as much as I can touch his arm look at his face, LOVE him everyday, not to just take him for granted. I am so unbelivabley blessed to have such a great husband, his sacrafices and hard work have worn him out, and torn things apart at times, but we have managed to still be in love and to still be going at each day at a time. Still encouraging each other through our trials, and not losing sight of our goals. Not everyday is perfect, we all have hard times, our family is Wonderful, we are so blessed, so watched over. Sometimes I am amazed when I think about the fact that we have no NEED, we want of Nothing that isnt' just an extra really...we have food, a nice home, cars, clothes (even if I don't love them, I never do anyway!) soap, dishwasher, washing machine & dryer in my basement, our children are healthy and happy as can be, we live in a safe area were we can go out to play, and we have some fun neighbors who love my kids like their own grandkids! WE are Blessed!
I am so thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I am so happy to know it isn't all doom and gloom, that there is HOPE, that God knows and loves ME little me, imperfect ME, he knows my struggles and my trials, my hopes and dreams and he helps me out on my path, and sends me love and encouragement, I am so grateful for that! I am thankful to have a wonderful family, I am thankful my momma is my friend, I love her so much! I love that she loves my kids and spoils them the best any grandmother could. I love my sisters in law who deserve just to be my sisters, which they are, they are such good friends to me and love me, and Adam's Parents who have always treated me like one of their very own...They have gone out of their way to love me and our family, and have done crazy things for us, (like drive all our belonings across the country in a "comfy" moving truck) My kids are so blessed to have such great Grandparents who love them so much!
This morning I was reading one of my daily blogs, C Jane Enjoy it And she said something I thought was dead on! So I am sharing it here..."Sacrifice? Is there really such a concept for mortals? It always seems that the going without yields more return, making the original sacrifice not a sacrifice at all. It's an imperfect conversion.
To which I am fully converted."

I am so thankful for all the love I have been given, for the friendships I have made, Like the Prophet said, things change time doesn't last always the way it is... we shall soon be moving from here and leaving behind some Fabulous friends, who I will miss dearly, but thank heaven for the internet and blogs, and phones! I am just going to be thankful for all the things I have and will learn from my great friends and aquaintences in the time I have to learn it. My God bless you all with love and comfort in your trials... count your blessings and enjoy your journeys!
This is my Thankful Monday!

1 comment:

Beckey said...

"Conference was great, what I heard of it..." LOL Same here. It's so hard with kids! Great post.

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley