Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Fun

Ok I thought I would add this too, yesterday at my Doc appointment I LOST A POUND, though she made me feel really good by double checking because she could not believe it but whatever! Then my appointment was really fast so, ended up getting my shoes! YEAH! I was so excited, I wore them last night I think it is going to take a while to get used to... Also some fun friends Alexis, Tiffany and Eliza took me out to dessert for my birthday, which was really fun just to go and have some time to laugh...Thanks girls! It really made my day and that PeanutButter Mud thing was YUMMY! Adam isn't allowed to participate in this activity so we put him on Camera Duty...Those hands are too important to let him handle a knife....Luke the ham bone kept trying to blow out the candle in the pumpkin! Allie didn't want to touch the "slim" YUCK! Princesses can't be slim covered! Crazy kids!
Luke wanted to cut up that little one too!
Wow actually a good picture!

Had to throw this one in, (below) LOVE Allie's fake smile? She looks like she is in pain!And Below are our beloved friends the Adam's...I can't begin to tell you how very much we miss Brandon, (the rest of the family too but you never laugh like the way you laugh when Brandon is around....)
Also Happy Birthday to Katie Shepherd TODAY! We love you and miss you so much!
Hope your day IS GREAT!~!!!


Jennifer said...

actually her birthday is today, but i knew that i would be too busy today to post so i did it late last night. i was going to stay up until midnight to post but i was way too tired already.

Mama Bean said...

You should get Adam a safety knife hahahaha. I love the costume of your friends, that is stinkin' hilarious. AND GOOD JOB on the 1 lb loss, you deserve a treat (if i justify my sugar eating it makes me feel better)

In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley