Thursday, October 9, 2008

Lots of fun stuff

My naughty boy, knocking off all the pumpkins and laughing!
First I have to say I love my hubby, and I am so glad that on Wednesday they let him come home early! He let me have a 2 hour nap! It was Wonderful! Then he rubbed my back and it pushed on the lower part and all that pain went away! I slept well last night, and felt pretty darn good today!
I love you Adam, for letting me sleep in this morning too, it was wonderful! So I went and had my blood drawn this morning FINALLY! it was so fun! Actually it wasn't as bad as I thought....They only stuck me once which was better than 2-3 times...hopefully that will be it for me till my IV... YEAH! :O( Hey it is my blog I get to whine if I want to...
Anyway after that we headed out to the Clarence Great Pumpkin Farm, Playgroup went yesterday, but we went as a family today, Have to love Jewish holidays, Dental daddies get the day off from school! Adam doesn't get many full on Days off, so it was pretty wonderful except I kept thinking it was Saturday all day! We then came home for the rest of the day, and enjoyed the day, reading books, running around outside, riding bikes...
Now I am cutting out my shades and pinning them! Progress! amazing! Hopefully I will finish them up in the next week! Then we can get our plastic wrap up on the windows, since it is getting to be that time of year again! Sadly I keep waiting to wake up to snow!
I love this picture of Allie, she is getting so big!
Below are comparison pictures....Boy has Allie grown!

Big Momma and kids, I don't feel as big as I look, Hmm, camera angle? Probably not probably denial!
This is how the kids have been sleeping lately, together in the crib! Oy I guess I am glad they love each other but boy are they silly!


Beckey said...

I don't realize how fast time goes by because I was thinking as I read this post that I have read it before...deja vu kind of thing. Then I realized that you must have gone to the same place last year. Geez, has this year already gone by?

Elisa said...

What a fun day. You are looking pretty preggers! I'm glad you got some good sleep. It's fun to see a picture of you. is your blog and you can complain and whine all you want! ;)

Amy said...

VERY CUTE!!!!! You look great as well.


In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley