Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today may be rough...

The kids woke up at 6:45, I felt like I had been sleeping all of 20 minutes before they woke up...I had not nice crazy dreams, and peed a few hundred times, Allie woke me up for a drink... Yup it may be rough today...So Nap time will be MINE! Zzzzzzz
Luke loves to stick his head under my shirt... so I look down and this is what I see...


Sean & Kendra said...

I love the pic of Allie sitting right by Adam while he is studying. That is exactly what Lucas does with Sean! They need "daddy time"!

Jennifer said...

I hear you!!! i came home from dropping off Ryan on Aug. 26th and Tess had a cough, she still has a cough now so does everyone else. Long story short i have not honestly slept more than 3 hours a night, none of that in a row. Each night I pray for morning to come just so it will get over faster, and every morning I pray for night to come. I can't even count on nap time, which lasts no more than 45 minutes to an hour.

Beckey said...

Hope your day wasn't too bad...

Elisa said...

Maybe it was a full moon or something on that night? I seriously was up 6 (yes, SIX) times to pee that same night and couldn't, for the life of me, find a comfy postition to lay in! My hips were killing me. I have no reason to complain because I don't have to care for two little ones. Only myself. Hope you slept better the last couple of nights since then.

Jennifer said...
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In all of living have much of fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured. President Gordon B. Hinckley